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You’re ready to make your basement a more usable space, but you really have no idea how to get started. This guide will help you!


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The basement is an excellent thing to own. It protects you and your family from some of the most powerful natural disasters known to man – disasters like tornadoes, baseball sized hail and a myriad of other natural phenomena which people living in the Midwest have had to grow accustomed to. However, when you are not using your basement to take shelter from the elements, even the most high tech, fully remodeled basement can become a bit of a problem, thanks to basement mold, and a variety of other problems. Luckily enough, with a few handy tips on basement remodeling, you can turn your otherwise dank and damp basement into another beautiful room in your home which you will want to retreat to even if the tornado warning sirens are not blaring down your street.

When you finally choose to remodel basement floors and walls, you will certainly want to keep one thing on your mind – the biggest problem plaguing most basements is that they are dirty, moldy and overall very damp. One of the most important basement finishing ideas to combat the musty basement is to install a basement dehumidifier. When combined with some basement waterproofing options, you will be incredibly surprised by how much more enjoyable your basement will become. No more will you retreat to your
basement to find that powerful, musty smell of mold and bacteria growing in your damp basement.

  • Garin Mullins
    27 Mar 2019

    Very helpful!

  • Leanna Schultz
    28 Jun 2019

    I would for sure recommend the book.

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